Communication Methods

The Isaac School District communications effort is led by the Superintendent with the assistance of the Community Engagement & Marketing Director and the District’s Communications Department. We develop and maintain this communication plan; train staff and parent groups; and provide public relations, marketing and communications counsel on issues that impact schools, departments and the district. The communications team provides advice on written and oral material, including school newsletters, letters home, brochures, talking points, key message development, media requests, etc. We will identify the communication tools that are widely accepted and preferred by our community.

  1. Printed Materials: Newsletters, brochures, etc. will be printed and distributed at each site and as a means to target those who may not have direct access to online methods of communication.

  2. E-mail Communication: Individuals who have provided their email address will receive emails regarding updates and/or upcoming events.

  3. Publications Posted Online: Printed publications will be posted on our website.

  4. Board Meetings Streamed live via YouTube: Bi-weekly